Locations & Community Outreach

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Locations Throughout the Bay Area

Chances are some of your competition already has us at their school. Why not you? Adding us to your extra curricular activities is simple.

Call us today! 650-393-5593


East Bay Locations

CCLC Pixar

Saturday Studio Classes

Challenge School in
Foster City


Events in the Community & Outreach Programs

From time to time we get requests from businesses and community groups to hold a dance class at their event. We are more than happy to do this as long as we have a teacher available for you. We have worked multple time with the Contemporary Jewish Museum in SF, helping bring "Where the wild things are" to life. Most recently we helped with their preschool gallery hour for their Maira Kalman exhibit.

In 2011 we hope to setup an Outreach program for underprivileged schools. This would mean discounts, and potential scholarships for students at these schools. Stay tuned.