20 Years of Design Experience
My career has taken me from startup environments, to the education field, and currently a business owner of 15 years.
My experience includes
- Designing websites
- Creating digital and print marketing materials
- Designing Logos
- Creating 3D graphics for video games
- Designing user interfaces
- Photography / Videography
- Video Editing
Every year our Principal Creative & Performing Arts program puts on its spring recital. Apart from the event planning and day-of logistics, I am also in charge of creating the artwork and the layout for our show programs. Here are some of the covers from those programs.
Posters & Flyers
Print marketing materials. Including tradeshow booth graphics, flyers, and signage for a silicon valley startup company.
As marketing director, I was in charge of our social media channels. Below are some images I have used over the years to market our dance school.

I have been designing websites since the early 2000s. Over the years I have continued to learn and evolve as technology has improved. While I have developed many more websites than what is shown below, I have spent the majority of the past decade on our business sites.
I am in charge of designing and maintaining our company website. I am currently using WordPress and the Divi Theme Builder. I am also familiar with HTML and CSS.
I am in charge of designing and maintaining our company website. I am currently using WordPress and the Divi Theme Builder. I am also familiar with HTML and CSS.
In January 2022 I was asked to join the campaign of Noelia Corzo as a volunteer, as she ran for San Mateo County Supervisor. I gladly accepted. I developed her print materials, including lawn signage, flyers, and banners. I was also tasked with updating her website. Happy to say we received 43% of the vote and will be in a November runoff against her opponent.
I created all the designs below for our business. I have used my graphic design background to develop our branding and marketing materials, as well as lots of apparel designs over the years.
All the models and textures in the images below were created by me for two separate game projects. Some of the models were for the www.ExpressoFitness.com game bike. I was one of the first employees hired and worked as a 3D artist for almost 5 years. The remaining assets were created for an unreleased zombie game for a separate startup company.